International Trade Solutions

The Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud

The business environment in which we live today is as fast-paced as ever. Therefore, organizations all over the world are seeking more effective ways to leverage data and insights to improve performance. Data has become essential to create the complete view of customers, prospects, suppliers and partners needed to power workflows, systems and teams.

But data collection is complicated, because the change in data is constant and context is critical. The Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud offers the world’s most comprehensive business data and analytical insights - comprising hundreds of millions of business records, curated from tens of thousands of sources, and tens of millions of web pages - to power today’s most crucial needs.

Dun & Bradstreet data and insights, delivered through the Data Cloud and the solutions they help power, help customers improve business performance by accelerating revenue, reducing cost, managing risk and transforming their business!

We source data from tens of thousands of public sources, and we have proprietary data only available through the database. Add to that data based on activity within data and proprietary analytics, often based on volumes of historical data. What you can get with Data Cloud is:

- Access to longitudinal curated data is critical for global commerce and with only a small percentage of the world's businesses filling public financial statements. Our data is a trusted source for reliable information about both public and private businesses.

- We believe that we are uniquely able to match data to its corresponding entity and have extensive related intellectual property with approximately 100 of our 210 patents dedicated to this function. Our capabilities in matching and indentify resolution enable us to make sense of what is a vast universe of data, turning chaos into order, and extending that order to clients.

- For over 50 years, we have tracked business by assigning a unique identifier (known as the Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number ®) to each entity in the Data Cloud .

- The D-U-N-S Number ® is recommended and often required by over 240 commercial, trade and government organizations

We believe that we are the only sale provider to possess both worldwide commercial credit data and comprehensive public record data linked together by a unique identifier allowing for an accurate assessment of public and private businesses globally. With this accurate assessment, clients are able to make data actionable and put it to use for their own competitive advantage.  

  Contact us for further information!